Migration Matters

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Rethinking ‘Us’ & ‘Them’: Integration and Diversity in Europe

In immigration societies, who is attributed the role of “us” and who is attributed the role of “the others”? Migration Matters explores this question through a total of 37 videos featuring diverse individuals from research, practice, and civil society.

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Thematic Areas Stories of MigrationDiversity

Types of Media Videos & Films

Fields of action SchoolsCultureCivil Society

target group (young) Adults(professional) Public

Sprachen GermanEnglish

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Video series: Migration and displacement in times of climate change

Migration and climate change are closely linked. Climate change repeatedly triggers new migration movements by destroying people’s livelihoods, especially in the Global South. This video series addresses this issue and aims to discuss key questions surrounding it.

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Thematic Areas Stories of Migration

Types of Media Videos & Films

Fields of action Civil Society

target group (professional) Public

Sprachen GermanEnglishFrenchArabic

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How diverse is the media industry in Germany?

Diversity in the media shapes our perspectives. In this episode, three journalists discuss German newsrooms, the need for representation, and diversity in journalism. Ideal for youth, students, and young journalists, this series sparks discussions on media impact.

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Thematic Areas Diversity

Types of Media Videos & Films

Fields of action Civil Society

target group (professional) Public

Sprachen GermanEnglish

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