new unentd_ckte narratives

In November 2016, 5 years after the self-disclosure of the National Socialist Underground (NSU), we organized as a group of theater makers, a conflict researcher and an administrative scientist the theater meeting “Undiscovered Neighbors” in Chemnitz and Zwickau. “Undiscovered Neighbors” wanted to make the continuities of the NSU support environment visible and the voices of those affected audible. It networked communal, regional and nationwide remembrance initiatives at the interfaces between culture, civil society and science. The follow-up program neue unentd_ckte narrative develops this approach further.

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Game Glasfäden – From the East to the East

An interactive comic about the history of Vietnamese contract workers, with a duration of just under 30 minutes and a supplementary booklet with background information, the app is excellent for classroom use.

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Thematic Areas Stories of MigrationHistoryPedagogical Expertise

Types of Media Games & Apps

Fields of action CultureCivil Society

target group Juveniles(young) Adults

Sprachen GermanEnglish

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