Migration Lab Germany

The Migration Lab is a network of cultural and educational actors with a laboratory character. Here, science and practice meet in the context of theatre, museum, memorial, civil society and school. All organisations deal with the pedagogical and artistic mediation of migration society issues. In doing so, they take new, creative and innovative paths to create diverse approaches to the diverse and complex phenomena of the migration society, addressing children, young people and adults.

The thematic focus of the pedagogical and artistic concepts includes migration stories, racism, anti-Semitism, diversity and intersectionality, empowerment, history, language, religion and pedagogical know-how.

The network partners develop educational media and best practice concepts in the form of audio formats, images & graphics, videos & films, games & apps, literary texts, methods and scientific contributions. The multimedia media collection is made visible, processed, curated and contextualised here on migration-lab.net. All formats are free of charge and digitally accessible.

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In the Migration Lab, possibilities for teaching the topic of migration are explored, discussed and tested. This is where bridges are built and interfaces designed: Between science and practice. Between art and criticism. Between pedagogy and culture. Between analogue and digital concepts.

In the Migration Lab, spaces for thought, exploration and encounter are created across institutional and conceptual boundaries. Existing approaches are further developed here in a transdisciplinary and multi-perspective manner, approaches are professionalised and concepts are expanded.

A digital place that creates connection: Get to link up with each other. Search for organisations in your area. Help shape the discourse. Use the network map to do so.

The Migration Lab Germany transfer project is organised by a scientific team. The team advises the project partners, organises training series, collects and curates the educational media developed. The project is based at the Centre for Educational Integration – Diversity and Democracy in Migration Societies at the Foundation University of Hildesheim. Migration Lab Germany is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism, the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) and the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ).

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