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What we owe each other – On solidarities and mutual aid

Datum, Uhrzeit & Sprache der Veranstaltung

Mo. 27. November 2023 | 18:00 – 20:00 Uhr (Präsenz, Berlin)

Deutsch, Deutsche Gebärdensprache, Englisch

Capitalism needs labor to survive. Between exploitative wage labor, the lack of labour rights and protections, stigmatisation and the accumulation of wealth for a few: labour affects more than making money. And if our labour is precarious or in crisis, so

Panel: What we owe each other – On solidarities and mutual aid

Monday, November 27th, 6pm

The event will be held in English spoken language with translation in German sign language and German spoken language.

Capitalism needs labor to survive. Between exploitative wage labor, the lack of labour rights and protections, stigmatisation and the accumulation of wealth for a few: labour affects more than making money.
And if our labour is precarious or in crisis, so are we.

Collective practices, such as Mutual Aid, demonstrate alternative understandings of labor, solidarity, and mutual interconnectedness. Counter-practices are created that confront the oppressive system and its their consequences and translate the notion of a solidarity into daily and self-engaging practices.
What understanding of ourselves and our lived reality do we need to approach from? How do solidarity practices need to take place to avoid reproduction ?

In the scope of this year’s topic ‚labour‘ of our project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (Thinking of communities in solidarity) we invite you to join us on November 27th, 6pm at WEG Spreefeld Berlin, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, 10179 Berlin.

In this conversation we want to discuss and analyse together how collective solidarities interact with each other to navigate the current reality while realising a new one.

Pls. find more information about the event and registration on our homepage.
Mehr Information auch auf Deutsch auf unserer Homepage!

The event takes place within the framework of the LADS funded project CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.



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